HTML signature support

Change html signature logo

You may want to occasionally update your HTML signature logo to reflect certain events, festivals etc. To do this, you need to have loaded your updated logo (with the same dimensions etc as the current logo) to your website images/asset folder. If you need us to do this on your behalf, please just drop us an email.

Open the HTML code file and find the (approx 4th) line. You're looking for the section of the code that starts with src="https://...

Simply replace the full web address of the old logo with the new logo, and you're done.

Adding an HTML signature to iPhone Mail

- Open the email we've sent you with your signature showing    
- Highlight and copy the signature (drag over the preview until you have it all selected, then select ‘copy' from the popup menu)    
- Go to your iPhones Settings > Mail > Signature    
- If you have more than 1 email account set up on your phone, make sure you select the right one    
- Delete any signature that may already exist    
- Tap and hold in the signature box and select ‘paste; from the popup menu    
- Shake the iPhone and an ‘undo change attributes’ pops up > select ‘undo'  

Adding an HTML signature to Gmail

- Log in to    
- Open the email we’ve sent you with your signature showing    
- Highlight and copy (ctrl+c) the signature    
- Click on the cog icon in the top right-hand corner    
- Select ’see all settings'    
- In the tab that automatically opens (General), scroll down until you see the signatures section    
- Select ‘create new'    
- Name the signature as required    
- Paste (ctrl+v) the signature into the right-hand window    
- Below the signature window, choose the new HTML email from the email list below ’signature defaults'
- Select the new signature for both New Emails and Reply/Forward emails    
- Ensure 'Insert signature before the quoted text in replies, and remove the '--' line that precedes it is ticked    
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click ‘save changes'

Adding an HTML signature to Spark Classic

Spark Classic is our recommendation as an alternative for Mac users due to Mac Mail setup complexities.

- Go to Spark > Settings    
- Click on Signatures tab  
- Tick Enable Signatures
- Click on the plus (+) icon at the bottom left of the window
- Click on the HTML link in the top right of the window
- Copy and paste in signature HTML from the files we've sent
- Untick "Always match my default message font"
- Tick which email address(es) you want the signature to be the default for
- Close the window

You can download Spark Classic for Mac here.

Adding an HTML signature to Outlook for Mac

Outlook for Mac could be used as an alternative for Mac users due to Mac Mail setup complexities.

- Go to Outlook > Preferences    
- Select Signatures  
- Click the + (plus) sign to add a new signature, name it and hit enter
- Right-click on the HTML file and open with Firefox or Chrome 
- Select the signature (ctrl + a) and copy it (ctrl + c)
- Go back to Outlook and paste (ctrl+v) the HTML signature from the file
- Click on the past icon and choose Keep Source Formatting

- Close the file
- Choose whether you want the signature for new emails only, or both new and replies
- Close the settings

You can download Outlook for Mac here.

Adding an HTML signature to Airmail

Airmail could also be used as an alternative for Mac users due to Mac Mail setup complexities.

- Go to Airmail > Preferences    
- Click on Accounts if not pre-selected    
- Click on 3 dots next to relevant email account    
- Select Signatures    
- Select HTML in the signature window    
- Select all code/text and delete it    
- Copy and paste in signature HTML    
- Click save  

You can download AIrmail for Mac here.

Adding an HTML signature to Mac Mail

We suggest using Spark Classic, Outlook for Mac or Airmail, rather than Mac Mail if you want to use HTML signatures, as loading HTML signatures into Mac Mail is painful. However, if you must use Mac Mail, here goes...

- Open the email we've sent you with your signature showing    
- Highlight and copy the signature    
- In Mac Mail, go to Mail > Preferences and select the Signatures tab    
- If you have more than 1 email account set up on your Mac, select the relevant one    
- Click the '+' button to the bottom right of the list of email accounts    
- Name the signature if you want    
- Type an easy to recognise word in the white text box to the right (eg REPLACE)    
- Ensure the "Always match my default font" checkbox is off    
- Close Mac Mail    
- Open Finder and go to Go > Go to Folder    
- If you store your emails in iCloud, paste in ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~mail/Data/MailData/Signatures/
-  -  - Otherwise paste in ~/Library/Mail/ and select the V folder > MailData > Signatures    
- Find the .mailsignature file with the latest date    
- Right-click on the file and open with TextEdit    
- Find your replacement word in the file and TRIPLE click on it (this will select the entire 'body' paragraph)
- Delete the highlighted text and paste the HTML into the file and save & close    
- Right-click on the file and select 'Get Info'    
- Check the 'locked' button in the 'General' section    
- Close the Get Info box    
- Open Mac Mail and your signature will be ready to use    

Please note that we are aware that this is a right pain! So if you want us to get it added to your Mac, please drop us a line.  

Still have questions?

Drop us an email →

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